Marco Mancini, Chiara Corbari, Alessandro Ceppi, Gabriele Lombardi, José Sobrino, Drazen Skokovic, Massimo Menenti, Jia Li, Romu Romero, Arnau Amengual, Raffaele Salerno, Stefania Meucci, and Giacomo Branca. , "SIM: smart irrigation from soil moisture forecast using satellite and hydro -meteorological modelling". "EGU General Assembly 2020", Vienna, Austria, 2020. Publication data: Paper presentation.
Cardell, M. F., A. Amengual, and R. Romero. , "Assessment of the future climate potential for tourism over Europe using a combination of downscaling approaches and quantitative impact models..". "EGU General Assembly 2020", Vienna, Austria, 2020. Paper presentation.
Hermoso, A., Homar, V. and Amengual, A.. , "Extreme meteorological and hydrological events induced by severe weather and climate change". "EGU General Assembly 2020", Vienna, Austria, 2020. Paper presentation.
R. Santamarta; J. Torrens; M. A. Jiménez; M. Conde. , "Improvement of the laboratory skills on first-year engineering students at the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain) by changing some teaching strategies of the laboratory lessons". "12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies", Palma, Spain, 2020. Publication data: EDULEARN20 Proceedings. Poster.
M. A. Jiménez; J. Cuxart; A. Paci; L. Conangla; D. Martínez-Villagrasa; B. Martí. , "Surface thermal inversion evolution in the bottom of a Pyrenean valley studied by observations and mesoscale simulations". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020 (EGU2020)", Vienna, Austria, 2020. Paper presentation.
J.A. Arrillaga; P. Jiménez; J. Vilà-Guerau de Arellano; M.A. Jiménez; C. Román-Cascón; M. Sastre; C. Yagüe. , "Analyzing the atmospheric scales involved in sea-breeze formation and frontal characteristics". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020 (EGU2020)", Vienna, Austria, 2020. Paper presentation.
Grau, A.; Jiménez, M. A.; Cuxart, J.. , "Statistical characterization of the sea-breeze physical mechanisms through in-situ and satellite observations". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020 (EGU2020)", Vienna, Austria, 2020. Paper presentation.
A. Paci; M. A. Jiménez; J. Cuxart; M. Lothon; O. Clary; Y. Seity; D. Martinez-Villagrasa; A. Dabas; T. Rieutord; C. Román-Cascón. , "Exit jet in a narrow Pyrenean valley: the Aure Valley 2018 field experiment". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020 (EGU2020)", Vienna, Austria, 2020. Paper presentation.
Amengual, A.; Lorenzo-Lacruz, J.; García, C.; Morán-Tejeda, E.; Homar, V.; Maimó-Far, A.; Hermoso, A.; Ramis, C.; Romero, R.. , "A forensic hydrometeorological and geomorphological reconstruction of the catastrophc flood occurred in Mallorca (Spain) on October 9th, 2018". "European Geosciences Union, General Assembly", Austria, 2020. Speech.
A. Grau; M.A. Jiménez; J. Cuxart. , "Using satellite-derived surface temperatures for atmospheric boundary-layer studies". "LST_cci User Workshop 2020", Exeter, United Kingdom, 2020. Speech.
Aina Maimo?-Far, Alexis Tantet, Vi?ctor Homar, and Philippe Drobinski. , "Application of portfolio theory to the wind-solar energy mix in Spain: climate-related risks and opportunities". "EGU General Assembly 2020", Austria, 2020. Speech.
Vich, Maria del Mar; Jiménez, Maria Antònia; Molinos, Francisca; Grau, Antoni; Maimó-Far, Aina. , "Revisió i millores de les pràctiques de laboratori de física general al grau d'enginyeria electrònica, industrial i automàtica de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.". "Experiències d'innovació docent en l'àmbit de les ciències", Palma, Spain, 2020. Speech.
A. Hermoso, V. Homar, A. Amengual. , "Ensemble generation strategies for the short-range forecast of flash floods: the 12-13 September 2019 event in Eastern Spain". "EGU General Assembly 2020", Austria, 2020. Not specified.
A. Hermoso, V. Homar. , "Potentialities of stochastic ensemble generation strategies for heavy precipitation forecasting over the western Mediterranean". "Joint SRNWP-EPS and Post-processing workshop 2020", Spain, 2020. Paper presentation.