Meetings participation

  • J. Cuxart and M.A. Jimenez. , "Nocturnal circulations under weak pressure gradients in the island of Mallorca". "16th Boundary Layer and Turbulence Symposium", Portland, Maine, United States, 2004. Publication data: Proc. 16th Boundary Layer and Turbulence Symposium, 2.2. Paper presentation.
  • M.A. Jimenez and J. Cuxart. , "Study of the PDFs of a Stably Stratified Large-Eddy Simulation". "16th Boundary Layer and Turbulence Symposium", Portland, Maine, United States, 2004. Publication data: Proc. 16th Boundary Layer and Turbulence Symposium, P4.10. Poster.
  • R. J. Beare, M. MacVean, A. A. M. Holtslag, J. Cuxart, I. Esau, J.-C. Golaz, M. A. Jiménez, M. F. Khairoutdinov, B. Kosovic, D. C. Lewellen, T. S. Lund, J. K. Lundquist, A. McCabe, A. Moene, Y. Noh, S. Raasch, and P. P. Sullivan. , "An intercomparison of large-eddy simulations of the stable boundary layer". "16th Boundary Layer and Turbulence Symposium", Portland, Maine, United States, 2004. Publication data: Proc. 16th Boundary Layer and Turbulence Symposium, 4.1. Paper presentation.
  • M.A. Jiménez and J. Cuxart. , "Study of the Probability Density Functions of a stably stratified Large-Eddy Simulations". "4th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society", Nice, France, 2004. Publication data: EMS Annual meeting abstracts, vol. 1, 00294. Poster.
  • Cuxart, J.; Holtslag, B.. , "Single-column model intercomparison for a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer". "European Meteorological Society", Niça, France, 2004. Publication data: accepted_contributions.php?p_id=109&s_id=1876. Paper presentation.
  • Jiménez, M.A.; Cuxart, J.. , "A study of a stably stratified LES through probability density functions". "European Meteorological Society", Niça, France, 2004. Publication data: accepted_contributions.php?p_id=109&s_id=1876. Paper presentation.
  • Mira, A.; Cuxart, J.; Jiménez, M.A.; Guijarro, J.A.. , "Verification of high-resolution simulations for the Majorca Island using satellite images". "European Meteorological Society", Niça, France, 2004. Publication data: EMS Annual meeting abstracts, vol. 1, 00292. Paper presentation.
  • Homar, V.; D. J. Stensrud, J. J. Levit. , "Severe weather forecasts from an ensemble of human-perturbed simulations using an adjoint model". "22nd Conference on Severe Local Storms", Hyannis, MA, United States, 2004. Publication data: Proceedings electrónicos [ Paper presentation.
  • Homar, V.; D. J. Stensrud, J. J. Levit, D.R. Bright. , "Severe weather forecasts from an ensemble of human-perturbed simulations". "Workshop on Ensemble methods", Exeter, United Kingdom, 2004. Publication data: Proceedings electrónicos []. Paper presentation.
  • Homar, V.; D. J. Stensrud, J. J. Levit. , "Verification of severe weather probabilistic forescasts from an ensemble of human-perturbed simulations". "European Conference on Severe Storms", León, Spain, 2004. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
  • Amengual A, Alonso S, Von Igel W, Bejarano C, Galimont A , Candela L.. , "Towards sustainable water use on Majorca Island: addressing conflicting demands and varying hydrological, social and economic conditions". "ARID conference", Santa Cruz de la Palma, Spain, 2004. Poster.
  • Amengual A., Alonso S, Gómez M, Romero R. , "Implementation of the HEC-HMS hydrologic model. A first preliminary study of the 'Montserrat' flash-flood event". "hydroptimet project meeting", Palma, Spain, 2004. Paper presentation.
  • Amengual A., Alonso S, Romero R, Homar V, Ramis C. , "Climatic trends in the MEDIS islands". "MEDIS project meeting", Palermo, Italy, 2004. Paper presentation.
  • Amengual A, Alonso S, Gómez M, Romero R and Martín A. , "A hydro-meteorological study of the 'Montserrat' flash-flood event". "Amphore project meeting", Barcelona, Spain, 2004. Paper presentation.
  • Romero, R.; Ferragut, N.. , "Red ibérica para la investigación y desarrollo de aplicaciones en base al modelo atmosférico MM5: Un proyecto abierto". "XXVIII Jornadas Científicas de la AME / 5º Encuentro Hispano-Luso de Meteorología (11-13 Febrero)", Badajoz, Spain, 2004. Publication data: CD-Rom, 432-437. Paper presentation.
  • Romero, R., M. Gayà, and C. A. Doswell III. , "European climatology of severe convective storm environmental parameters: A test for significant tornado events". "European Conference on Severe Storms 2004 (León, 9-12 Noviembre)", Spain, 2004. Publication data: CD-Rom, 9. Paper presentation.
  • García-Ortega, E., L. Fita, R. Romero, L. López, C. Ramis, and J. L. Sánchez. , "Diagnosis of the meteorological situation of 16th August 2003: An extreme hail event". "European Conference on Severe Storms 2004 (León, 9-12 Noviembre)", Spain, 2004. Publication data: CD-Rom, 70. Paper presentation.
  • Fita, L., R. Romero, and C. Ramis. , "An analysis of the 9-12th November 2001 west Mediterranean storm based on PV inversion". "European Conference on Severe Storms 2004 (León, 9-12 Noviembre)", Spain, 2004. Publication data: CD-Rom, 76. Paper presentation.
  • Romero, R.. , "Mesoscale predictability of a heavy rain producing Mediterranean cyclone: Application of piecewise PV inversion". "I General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (25-30 Abril)", Niza, France, 2004. Publication data: CD-Rom, EGU04-A-07724. Paper presentation.
  • García-Ortega, E.; Fita, L.; Romero, R.; López, L.; Ramis, C.; Sánchez, J. L.. , "Tendencias climáticas de precipitación y temperatura en las Islas Baleares en la segunda mitad del siglo XX". "3a ECSS", León, Spain, 2004. Paper presentation.
  • Fita, L.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.. , "An analysis of the 9-12 november 2001 west Mediterranean storm based on PV inversion". "3a ECSS", Leon, Spain, 2004. Paper presentation.