Meetings participation

  • P. Le Moigne; M.A. Jiménez; F. Couvreux; J. Cuxart.. , "Sensitivity tests of the surface characteristics to the DICE experiment using the Meso-NH model.". "7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle", Den Haag, Netherlands, 2014. Poster.
  • M.A. Jiménez; P. Le Moigne; F. Couvreux; J. Cuxart.. , "Sensitivity tests of the surface forcings to the DICE experiment using the MesoNH model". "7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle", Den Haag, Netherlands, 2014. Poster.
  • Cuxart,J.;Conangla, L.; Jimenez, M.A.. , "Evaluation of the energy imblance for a 2-year series in the Ebro valley and comparison of the budget terms to ECMWF model data". "7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle", Den Haag, Netherlands, 2014. Poster.
  • Jimenez, M.A.; Angevine, W.M.; Bazile, E.; Couvreux, F.; Cuxart, J.; Pino, D.; Sastre, M.. , "An intercomparison of mesoscale simulations during the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) experimental field campaign". "21th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence", Leeds, United Kingdom, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Cuxart, J.; Jimenez, M.A.; Telisman-Prtenjak, M.; Grisogono, B.. , "Evolution of a sea-breeze day through the analysis of the momentum, temperature and turbulence budgets". "21th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence", Leeds, United Kingdom, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Cuxart, J.; Wrenger, B.; Duennermann, J.; Martinez, D.; Jimenez, M.A.; Conangla, L.; Reuder, J.; Jonassen, M.O.; Lothon, M.; Saïd, F.; Lohou, F.. , "Sub-kilometric heterogeneity effects on the surface energy budget in BLLAST'11". "21th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence", Leeds, United Kingdom, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Cuxart, J.; T. Weidinger; B. Wregner; Jiménez, M.A.; G. Simó; D. Gomila; H. Warmers; A.Z. Gyongyos; Z. Istenes; Z. Bottyan; D. Tatrai; M. Kiss; J. Josza.. , "Joint Surface Budget Station, Tethered Balloon and RPAS Campaigns SEABREEZE13 and PABLS13". "Second conference of the International Society for Atmospheric Research using Remotely-piloted Aircraft", Aalborg, Denmark, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Weidinger, T.; Cuxart, J.; Gyongyosi, A.Z.; Wrenger, B.; Istenes, Z.; Bottyan, Z.; Bozoki, Z.; Simó, G.; Tatrai, D.; Jericevic, A.; Matjacic, B.; Kiss, M.; Jozsa, J.. , "An experimental and numerical study of the ABL structure in the Pannonian plain (PABLS13): IOP1 (27 to 28 november 2013)". "21th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence", Leeds, United Kingdom, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Jimenez, M.A.; Angevine, W.M.; Bazile, E.; Couvreux, F.; Cuxart, J.; Pino, D.; Sastre, M.. , "An intercomparison of mesoscale simulations during the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) experimental field campaign". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly", Wien, Austria, 2014. Poster.
  • Cuxart, J.; Wrenger, B.; Jimenez, M.A.; Dünnermann, J.; Reuder, J.; Jonassen, M.; Martínez, D.; Conangla, L.; Lothon, M.; Lohou, F.; Garai, A.. , "Evaluation of the effect of the sub-kilometric scale terrain heterogeneities in the surface energy budget through observations and numerical modelling". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU2014)", Wien, Austria, 2014. Poster.
  • Jimenez, M.A.; Cuxart, J.; Telisman-Prtenjak, M.; Grisogono, B.. , "Evolution of the energy budgets during a Sea-Breeze event in the island of Mallorca". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly", Wien, Austria, 2014. Poster.
  • Lothon, M.; Lohou, F.; Darbieu, C.; Couvreux, F.; Pino, D.; Blay, E.; Vila-Guerau de Arellano, J.; Pietersen, H.; Hartogensis, O.; Pardyjak, E.; Alexander, D.; Reuder, J.; Baserud, L.; Nilsson, E.; Jimenez, M.A.; Faloona, I.; Sastre, M.; Angevine, W.M.; Canut, G.; Bazile, E.; Cuxart, J.; Durand, P.; Yagüe, C.; Augustin, P.; Martin, S.; Lampert, A.; Legain, D.; Saïd, F.; Gioli, B.. , "The Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence Project". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly", Wien, Austria, 2014. Invited conference.
  • D. Tatrai; D. Nikov; E.Z. Jász; Z. Bozóki; G. Szabó, T. Weidinger; Z. A. Gyöngyösi; M. Kiss; J. Józsa; G. Simó; J. Cuxart; B. Wrenger: Z. Bottyán. , "Study of surface energy budget and test of a newly developed fast photoacoustic spectroscopy based hygrometer in field campaign Szeged (Hungary)". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly", Wien, Austria, 2014. Poster.
  • Sánchez, J.M.; Doña, C.; Cuxart, J.; Caselles, V.; Niclòs, R.. , "Monitoring Evaporation/Transpiration in a Vineyard from Two-Source Energy Balance and Radiometric Temperatures". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly", Wien, Austria, 2014. Poster.
  • Jiménez, M.A.; Le Moigne, P.; Cuxart, J.. , "The Diurnal land atmosphere Coupling Experiment (DICE) intercomparison results obtained from Meso-NH and sensitivities". "7th MesoNH meeting", Toulouse, France, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • M.Tous; G.Zappa; R.Romero; L.Shaffrey. , "'Medicanes in HadGEM3 N512 climate simulations'". "ECRA workshop on 'High Impact Events and Climate Change'", Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • M.Tous; G.Zappa; R.Romero; L.Shaffrey. , "'Medicanes in HadGEM3 N512 climate simulations'". "STORMEX European storms workshop", Lisboa, Portugal, 2014. Poster.
  • Platis, A.; Martínez, D.; Bange; J.. , "Airborne-measured spatially-averaged temperature and moisture turbulent structure parameters over a heterogeneous surface". "EGU2014 (European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014)", Vienna, Austria, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Platis, A.; Martínez, D.; Bange, J.. , "Airborne-Measured Spatially-Averaged Temperature and Moisture Turbulent Structure Parameters Over a Heterogeneous Surface". "21th Boundary Layer and Turbulence Symposium, American Meteorological Society", Leeds, United Kingdom, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Amengual, A.; Homar, V.. , "Warn on forecasts for flash floods in medium Spanish Mediterranean catchments: the HyMeX case of 28 September 2012". "8th HyMeX workshop", Valletta(Malta), Malta, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • B. Vincendon, A.Amengual, V. Ducrocq, H. Dewaele. , "Flash-flood forecasting of HyMeX IOP8 with AROME/ISBA-TOP hydrological ensemble prediction system". "8th HyMeX workshop", Valletta(Malta), Malta, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • R. Romero; M.Tous; C.Ramis. , "'Medicanes risk in a changing climate'". "ECRA workshop on 'High Impact Events and Climate Change'", Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Víctor Homar Santaner, Diego Saul Carrió Carrió. , "PREDICTABILITY ANALYSIS OF THE 4TH OCTOBER 2007 SQUALL LINE OVER THE BALEARIC ISLANDS". "European Geosciences Union (EGU)", Viena, Austria, 2014. Poster.
  • Diego Saul Carrió Carrió ('ponent'), Víctor Homar Santaner. , "SHORT-RANGE PREDICTION OF A MEDITERRANEAN SEVERE WEATHER EVENT USING EnKF: CONFIGURATION TESTS". "European Geosciences Union (EGU)", Viena, Austria, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Diego Saúl Carrio, Víctor Homar. , "SHORT-RANGE PREDICTION OF A MEDITERRANEAN SEVERE WEATHER EVENT USING ENKF: CONFIGURATION TESTS". "Reunió projecte PREDIMED. Grup Meteorologia UIB - diversos membres AEMET (Agència Estatal Meteorologia)", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • T. Weidinger; J. Cuxart; A.Z. Gyongyosi; B. Wrenger; Z. Istenes; Z. Bottyan; Z. Bozoki; G. Simó; D. Tatrai; A. Jericevic; B. Matjacic; M. Kiss; J. Jozsa. , "An experimental and numerical study of the ABL structure in the Pannonian plain (PABLS13): IOP1 (27 to 28 November 2013". "21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014, Leeds, United Kingdom", Leeds, United Kingdom, 2014. Poster.
  • SIMÓ, G.; JIMÉNEZ, M.A.; WRENGER, B.; TELISMAN-PRTENJAK, M.; GUIJARRO, J.A.; CUXART, J. , "ESTUDI D'UN CAS DE TRANSICIÓ ENTRE EL TERRAL I LA BRISA MARINA A MALLORCA". "XX Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontserè", Barcelona, Spain, 2014. Poster.
  • G. Simó; J. Cuxart. , "A first look to PABLS'13 IOP1". "Workshop on PABLS'13", Budapest, Hungary, 2014. Round table.
  • G. Simó; J. Cuxart. , "Presentació de la campanya Subpixel'15". "Jornades de Teledetecció", Burjassot, Spain, 2014. Speech.
  • M. A. Jimenez; A. P. Lock; M. J. Best. , "Initial results from the Diurnal land/atmosphere coupling experiment (DICE)". "European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU2014)", Wien, Austria, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • L. Röhner, V. Homar, D. Carrio, A. Montani, U. Corsmeier. , "Model study of HyMeX IOP8 - a Mediterranean heavy precipitation event". "8th HyMeX workshop", Valletta(Malta), Malta, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Argüeso, D.; Evans, J. P.; Di Luca, A.. , "Simulated heat wave trends and changes in Australia over the last 60 years". "AMOS National Conference 2014", Hobart, Australia, 2014. Poster.
  • Argüeso, D.; Evans, J. P.; Di Luca, A.. , "Heat stress changes due to urban expansion and climate change". "Cities in Future Earth: Third Australian Earth System Outlook", Camberra, Australia, 2014. Poster.
  • Argüeso, D.; Evans, J. P.; Di Luca, A.. , "Impact of model spatial resolution on precipitation extremes". "7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle", The Hague, Netherlands, 2014. Poster.
  • Argüeso, D.; Evans, J. P.; Fita, L.; Pitman, A. J.; Di Luca, A.. , "Amplified climate change signal due to urban expansion at local scales from a regional climate model". "3rd International Lund Regional-Scale Climate Modelling Workshop", Lund, Switzerland, 2014. Paper presentation.
  • Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.; Olson, R.; Fita, L.. , "Design of a regional climate model ensemble that incorporates model performance and independence". "2014 AGU Fall Meeting", San Francisco, CA, United States, 2014. Not specified.
  • Olson, R.; Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.. , "Climite Projections from the NARCliM Project: Model Biases and Significance of Projected Changes". "2014 AGU Fall Meeting", San Francisco, CA, United States, 2014. Not specified.
  • Evans, J. P.; Lee, C.; Argüeso, D.; Ji, F.; Di Luca, A.; Olson, R.; Riley, M.. , "Regional climate change projections for use in impacts and adaptation research in south-east Australia". "Practical Responses for Climate Change Conference", Melbourne, Australia, 2014. Not specified.
  • Di Luca, A.; Laprise, R.; Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; De Elía, R.. , "Some factors influencing the added value of Regional Climate Models". "Milankovitch Anniversary UNESCO Symposium 2014", Belgrade, , 2014. Not specified.
  • Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.; Olson, R.; Ji, F.; Lee, C.; Scorgie, Y.. , "Future Climate Projections for Coastal NSW". "23rd NSW Coastal Conference", Ulladulla, Australia, 2014. Not specified.
  • Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.; Olson, R.; Fita, L.. , "Including model performance and independence in ensemble design". "1St WCRP CORDEX Science and Technology Workshop in Southeast Asia", Bogor, Indonesia, 2014. Not specified.
  • Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.. , "Convection permitting regional climate modelling for short time scale precipitation extremes". "OzEWEX Workshop", Canberra, Australia, 2014. Not specified.
  • Di Luca, A.; Argüeso, D.; Evans, J. P.. , "Recent changes in extreme Australian East Coast Lows in reanalysis datsets and simulations". "7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle", The Hague, Netherlands, 2014. Not specified.
  • Di Luca, A.; Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.. , "3rd International Lund Regional-Scale Climate Modelling Workshop". "7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle", Lund, Switzerland, 2014. Not specified.
  • Fita, L.; Liles, S.; Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.. , "Exploring new evaluation methods for RCM exercises. Using Australian soundings for the NARCliM experiments". "3rd International Lund Regional-Scale Climate Modelling Workshop", Lund, Switzerland, 2014. Not specified.
  • Fita, L.; Argüeso, D.; Evans, J. P.; King, A. D.. , "NARCliM regional downscaling project in Australia: Long-term climatological analysis of the control period". "EGU General Assembly", Vienna, Australia, 2014. Not specified.
  • Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Di Luca, A.. , "Large Scale NARCliM Evaluation". "AMOS National Conference 2014", Hobart, Australia, 2014. Not specified.
  • Fei, Ji.; Evans, J. P.; Argüeso, D.; Fita, L.. , "Investigating Changes in Frequency, Intensity and Location of Indicated East Coast Lows". "AMOS National Conference 2014", Hobart, Australia, 2014. Not specified.
  • Evans, J. P.; Di Luca, A.; Argüeso, D.. , "Intensity and distribution of East Coast Lows and derived from reanalysis and simulated datasets". "AMOS National Conference 2014", Hobart, Australia, 2014. Not specified.