Vich, M.; Romero, R.; Homar, V.. , "Comparison of two perturbed initial and boundary conditions ensemble forecasting systems applied to Mediterranean cyclones". "EGU General Assembly 2009", Vienna, Austria, 2009. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Romero, R., M. Tous, C. Ramis, and A. Genovés. , "Environmental parameters controlling the genesis and maintenance of mediterranean tropical-like storms". "2nd International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change", Corfu, Greece, 2009. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Homar, V., R. Romero, C. Ramis, S. Alonso and J. Taberner. , "Evolution of observed daily temperature and precipitation extremes in the Balearic Islands". "Spain-China Symposium on Geophysical & Geochemical Geosystems", Zaragoza, Spain, 2009. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Romero, R., M. Tous, C. Ramis, and A. Genovés. , "An investigation of the large-scale environments associated with the genesis of Mediterranean tropical-like storms". "11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union", Barcelona, Spain, 2009. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Vich, M., and R. Romero. , "Verification of a multiphysics superensemble forecast technique in Mediterranean heavy precipitation situations". "11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union", Barcelona, Spain, 2009. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Richard, E., G. Delrieu, R. Romero, and A. Montanari. , "Heavy precipitation and flash floods during HYMEX: What observational strategy?". "11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union", Barcelona, Spain, 2009. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Cohuet, J.B.; Romero, R.; Homar, V.; Ducrocq, V.; Ramis, C.. , "Maritime convective initiation of the severe thunderstorm of 4 october 2007 in Mallorca numerical experiments". "5th European Conference on Severe Stroms", Landshut, Germany, 2009. Publication data: pag. 159-160. Paper presentation.
Vich, M., R. Romero, V. Homar, and H. Brooks. , "Comparison of several ensemble prediction systems applied to Mediterranean high impact cyclones associated with heavy rainfall and strong winds". "5th European Conference on Severe Storms", Landshut, Germany, 2009. Publication data: Extended Abstract. Paper presentation.
Vich, M. and Romero, R.. , "Verification of a multiphysics superensemble forecast technique in Mediterranean heavy precipitation situations". "11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms", Barcelona, Spain, 2009. Poster.
Philippe Drobinski; Véronique Ducrocq; Piero Lionello; and the HyMeX International Scientific Steering Committee. , "HYMEX, an experimental program dedicated to the hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean". "13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes", The Canyons, United States, 2009. Publication data: Extended Abstract. Paper presentation.
Cuxart, J.; Martínez, D.; Jiménez, M.A.. , "Interaction of drainage flows and a cold pool in a large-scale basin". "EGU2009 (European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009)", Vienna, Austria, 2009. Publication data: Geohpysical Research Abstracts, vol. 11, EGU2009-8800. Poster.
Cuxart, J.; Molinos, F.; Martínez, D.; Jiménez, M.A.; Cunillera, J.. , "Conditioned climatology of the stably stratified nights in the Ebro basin". "30th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM)", Rastatt, Germany, 2009. Poster.
Jiménez, M.A. and Cuxart, J.. , "Nocturnal low-level jets: sporadic turbulence on complex terrain". "EGU2009 (European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009)", Vienna, Austria, 2009. Publication data: Geohpysical Research Abstracts, vol. 11, EGU2009-8662. Poster.
Jiménez, M.A.. , "Mesoscale simulations and their verification". "Fith Meso-NH user's meeting", Toulouse, France, 2009. Paper presentation.
Jiménez, M.A.. , "Sensitivity tests on Large-Eddy Simulations". "Fith Meso-NH user's meeting", Toulouse, France, 2009. Paper presentation.
Martínez, D.; Cuxart, J.; Jiménez, M.A. , "Analysis of a cold pool formed in a large basin". "30th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM)", Rastatt, Germany, 2009. Paper presentation.
Homar, V.; Stensrud, D. J.. , "Bred vectors with customizable scale: 'À la carte' ensemble perturbations". "5th European Conference on Severe Stroms", Landshut, Germany, 2009. Paper presentation.
Homar, V.. , "Regionalization of climate scenarios". "Téthys. Université Euro-Mediterranéenne", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2009. Paper presentation.
Garcies, L. and Homar, V.. , "A Classification of Mediterranean Intense Cyclones oriented to Ensemble Sensitivities". "SPAIN-CHINA. Symposium on Geophysical & Geochemical Geosystems (SG3)", Zaragoza, Spain, 2009. Paper presentation.
Garcies, L. and Homar, V.. , "A Classification of Mediterranean Intense Cyclones oriented to Ensemble Sensitivities". "General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union 2009", Vienna, Austria, 2009. Paper presentation.
Garcies, L. and Homar, V.. , "Sensitivities of Mediterranean Intense Cyclones: Analysis and Verification.". "5th European Conference on Severe Storms", Landshut, Germany, 2009. Invited conference.
Tous, M.: Genovés, A.; Campins, J.; Picornell, M.A.; Jansà, A. and Mizuta, R.. , "Mediterranean Cyclones in a changing climate. Results from JMAGSM model". "11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union", Barcelona, Spain, 2009. Poster.
Tous, M.; Romero, R. and Ramis, C.. , "Medicanes: Creació d'una base de dades i exploració dels ambients meteorològics". "Segones Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia de la Mediterrània Occidental", València, Spain, 2009. Paper presentation.
Garcies, L. and Homar, V.. , "Verification of sensitivities of Mediterranean intense cyclones". "11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms", Barcelona, Spain, 2009. Paper presentation.
Homar, V. and Stensrud, D.J.. , "Bred vectors with customizable scale: 'À la carte' ensemble perturbations". "11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms", Barcelona, Spain, 2009. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
-. . "XV Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontserè", Spain, 2009. Not specified.
Romero, R.; Alonso, S.; Homar, V.; Alonso, S.. , "Regionalización climática de las Islas Baleares como soporte al diseño de redes de observación". "10º Encuentro Luso-Español de Meteorología", Caparica, Portugal, 2009. Paper presentation.
Romero, R.; Tous, M.; Ramis, C.; Genovés, A.. , "Environmental parameters controlling the genesis and maintenance of Mediterranean tropical-like storms". "2nd International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change", Corfú, Greece, 2009. Paper presentation.
Romero, R.; Tous, M.; Ramis, C.; Genovés, A.. , "Evolution". "2nd International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change", Curfu, Greece, 2009. Paper presentation.
Ramis, C.; Romero, R.; Homar, V.; Alonso, S.. , "Analisis de la situación de lluvia continua en el Mediterráneo occidental durante octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 2008". "10º Encuentro Luso-Español de Meteorología", Caparica, Portugal, 2009. Paper presentation.
Homar, V.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S.; Taberner, J.. , "Evolution of observed daily temperature and precipitation extremes in the Balearic Islands". "Spain-China Symposium on Geophysical & Geochemical Geosystems", Zaragoza, Spain, 2009. Poster.
Romero, R.; Tous, M.; Ramis, C. and Genovés, A.. , "An investigation of the large-scale environments associated with the genesis of Mediterranean tropical-like storms.". "11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union,", Barcelona, Spain, 2009. Paper presentation.