Chagas, G.; Orgaz, M.D.; Homar, V.; Guilabert, R.; Romero, R.; Weber, J. and Yoksas, T.. , "Development of an Iberian IDD network". "AGU Joint Assembly 2008", Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States, 2008. Publication data: Abstract en Proceedings. Paper presentation.
Horvath, K., M. Vich, B. Ivancan-Picek, and R. Romero. , "A sensitivity of two MAP IOP events to the estimated uncertainties in the upper-level dynamical factors". "3th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society", Whistler, BC, Canada, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Romero, R.; Homar, V.; Alonso, S.; Ramis, C.. , "Temperature and precipitation in the Balearic Islands: Recent trends and future scenarios". "10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Romero, R., V. Homar, and C. Ramis. , "The severe thunderstorm of 4th October 2007 in Mallorca". "10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Poster.
Vich, M.; Romero, R. and Brooks, H.. , "Evaluation of a multiphysics ensemble forecasting system aplied to Mediterranean cyclones". "10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Fita, L., M. Vich, R. Romero, and C. Ramis. , "An object-oriented methodology for the verification of cyclone trajectories in an ensemble forecasting system". "10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Luque, A.; Fita, L.; Romero, R.; Alonso, S.. , "Analysis of convection in three tropical-like Mediterranean storms using satellite and lightning networks". "10th EGU Plinius Conference", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Paper presentation.
Horvath, K.; Vich, M.; Ivancan-Picek, B. and Romero, R.. , "A sensitivity of MAP IOP 15 event to the estimated uncertainties in the upper-level dynamical factors". "10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Luque, A., R. Romero, and S. Alonso. , "Mediterranean weather and climate; the focus of the Meteorology Group of the UIB". "Joint Meeting of the Climate and Meteorology Group of the Spanish Remote Sensing Society (AET) and the Spanish Ground Validation Group for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission", Toledo, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Romero, R., V. Homar, and C. Ramis. , "The severe thunderstorm of 4th October 2007 in Mallorca". "Primeres Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia de la Mediterrània Occidental, Associació Catalana de Meteorologia", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Poster.
Taberner, J.; Homar, V.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S.. , "Anàlisi d'extrems de precipitació i temperatura diaris a les Illes Balears". "Primeres Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia de la Mediterrània Occidental, Associació Catalana de Meteorologia", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Poster.
Soler, M., T. Serra, J. Colomer, and R. Romero. , "Estudi de les pluges anòmales associades a la circulació atmosfèrica de l'àrea mediterrània del nord-est d'Espanya i la seva relació amb els processos de fluïdització de sediments que es donen en un llac". "Primeres Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia de la Mediterrània Occidental, Associació Catalana de Meteorologia", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Abstract. Paper presentation.
Homar, V., R. Romero, C. Ramis, and S. Alonso. , "Precipitació a les Balears durant el segle XXI". "XIV Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontserè, Associació Catalana de Meteorologia", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Preprints. Invited conference.
Horvath, K.; Vich, M.; Ivancan-Picek, B. and Romero, R.. , "A sensitivity of two MAP IOP events to the estimated uncertainties in the upper-level dynamical factors". "13th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, AMS", Whistler, Canada, 2008. Paper presentation.
Martín, A. and Homar, V.. , "Multi-Physics Mesoscale Short-Range Ensemble Prediction of Hazardous Weather Events over the Western Mediterranean". "10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Paper presentation.
Homar, V.. , "Extreme weather events: Phenomena and forecasting techniques". "Extreme Events: Theory, Observations, Modeling, and Prediction", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2008. Invited conference.
Molinos, F.; Martínez, D.; Cuxart, J.. , "Climatology of the stably stratified nights in the Ebro Valley". "7th European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting and 8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology", Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008. Poster.
Martinez, D. and Cuxart, J.. , "Study of the katabatic winds in middle latitudes through a high-resolution mesoscale model". "13th Conference on Mountain Meteorology", Whistler, Canada, 2008. Paper presentation.
Maria Antonia Jimenez, D. Martinez, F. Molinos, T. Clapes, J. Cunillera, and J. Cuxart. , "Slope and basin flows in the Ebro basin: conditioned climatology and mesoscale modelling". "18th AMS Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence", Stockholm, Sweden, 2008. Publication data: 13A.2. Paper presentation.
Fitzjarrald, D.R.; Jiménez, M.A.; Cuxart, J.; Freedman, J.M.. , "Dynamic significance of Hudson valley channeling". "18th AMS Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence", Stockholm, Sweden, 2008. Publication data: 11A.6. Paper presentation.
Jiménez, M.A.; Cuxart, J.. , "Verificació d?una simulació mesoscalar a l?Illa de Mallorca emprant imatges de satèl·lit". "I Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia a la Mediterrània Occidental", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Llibre de resums, p.11. Poster.
Martínez, D.; Cuxart, J.; Jiménez, M.A.. , "Estudi d'una piscina d'aire fred formada a la Conca del Duero". "I Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia a la Mediterrània Occidental", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Llibre de resums, p.7. Speech.
Cuxart, J.; Martínez, D.; Molinos, F.; Jiménez, M.A.. , "Climatologia condicionada per a nits establement estratificades a la zona de Lleida". "I Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia a la Mediterrània Occidental", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Llibre de resums, p.11. Poster.
Fitzjarrald, D.R.; Jiménez, M.A.; Cuxart, J.; Freedman, J.M.. , "Dynamic significance of Hudson valley channeling". "18th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence", Stockholm, Sweden, 2008. Speech.
Jiménez, M.A.; Martínez, D.; Molinos, F.; Clapes, T.; Cunillera, J.; Cuxart, J.. , "Slope amb basin flows in the Ebro basin: conditioned climatology and mesoscale modelling". "18th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence", Stockholm, Sweden, 2008. Speech.
Jonker, H.J.J.; Jiménez, M.A.; Lijdsman, P.J.; Lebouille, J.; Abrahams, D.. , "Laboratory experiments on entrainment: a comparison of two layer systems with linearly stratified systems". "18th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence", Stockholm, Sweden, 2008. Speech.
Garcies, L. and Homar, V.. , "An alternative approach to sensitivity analysis: Ensemble sensitivities of the real atmosphere.". "European Geosciences Union. General Assemby 2008.", Viena, Austria, 2008. Poster.
Garcies, L. and Homar, V.. , "Ensemble sensitivities of the real atmosphere: Application to Mediterranean Intense Cyclones.". "European Geosciences Union. General Assemby 2008.", Viena, Austria, 2008. Paper presentation.
Garcies, L.; Martin, A. and Homar, V.. , "Verification of Mediterranean High Impact weather forecasts from a Multianalysis and Multimodel forecasting system.". "10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Poster.
Garcies, L. and Homar, V.. , "Ensemble Sensitivities of Mediterranean Intense Cyclones and their comparison with adjoint sensitivities". "10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Paper presentation.
Homar, V.; Romero, R.; Tous, M.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S.. , "Projeccions climàtiques de precipitació a les Balears pel segle XXI". "XIV Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontserè", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: XIV Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontserè. La sequera. Barcelona, 29 de Novembre de 2008. Associació Catalana de Meteorologia. ISBN: 978-84-934207-3-4. Paper presentation.
Margalida Riutort. . "I Jornades de Meteorologia de la Mediterrània Occidental", Spain, 2008. Secretary of organising committee.
-. . "XIV Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontserè", Spain, 2008. Not specified.
Fita, L.; Vich, M.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.. , "An object-oriented methodology for the verification of cyclone trajectories in an ensemble forecasting system". "10th EGU Plinius Conference", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Paper presentation.
Romero, R.; Homar, V.; Ramis, C.. , "The severe thunderstorm of 4th october 2007 in Mallorca". "X Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Stroms", Nicosia, Cyprus, 2008. Paper presentation.
Romero, R.; Homar, V.; Ramis, C.. , "The severe thunderstorm of 4th october 2007 in Mallorca". "I Jornades de Meteorologia i Climatologia. ACAM", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Paper presentation.