Sergio Alonso Oroza. , "Co-convener, Presidencia sesión, 2 Comunicaciones orales.". "XXIII General Assambly EGS", Niza, France, 1998. Not specified.
Sergio Alonso Oroza. , "Comunicación oral". "1a Asamblea Hispano-Lusa de Geodesia y Geofísica", Almeria, Spain, 1998. Not specified.
Sergio Alonso Oroza. , ".". "International Summer School of Meteorology at the Balearic Islands", Menorca, Spain, 1998. Poster.
Sergio Alonso Oroza. , ".". "ECAC'98", Viena, Austria, 1998. Poster.
Llasat, M. C.; Ramis, C.; Lanza, L.. , "Flash floods in the northwest of the Mediterranean area: 27th-28th September event". "Heavy rains and flash floods. AMHY Group. Unesco", Estambul, Turkey, 1998. Publication data: pp: 99-114. Paper presentation.
Ramis, C.; Romero, R.; Homar, V.; Alonso, S.; Gaya, M.. , "Can upper tropospheric dry intrusions favours environments for severe weather?". "International School of Meteorology at the Balearic Islands. Tropospere-Stratosphere Interchange Phenomana", Menorca, Spain, 1998. Paper presentation.
Romero, R.; Ramis, C.; Guijarro, J. A.. , "Objective classification of the heavy rainfall patterns in Mediterranean Spain". "XXIII General Assambly EGS. Annales Geophysicae. Special Issue", Niza, France, 1998. Publication data: V: 16, N: Supplement II, pp: C634. Paper presentation.
Ramis, C.; Romero, R.; Homar, V.; Alonso, S.; Gayà, M.. , "Could upper-tropospheric dry air intrusions favour environments for severe weather: Some observational evidences for the western Mediterranean". "Trobades Científiques de la Mediterrània: Stratosphere-Troposphere Interchange Phenomena (Mahón, 9-11 Septiembre)", Spain, 1998. Paper presentation.
Romero, R.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S.; Guijarro, J. A.; Sumner, G.. , "Daily rainfall variability in the Spanish Mediterranean area". "2nd European Conference on Applied Climatology. CD-ROM, section 5", Viena, Austria, 1998. Publication data: N: 26 (CD), pp: sec. 5. Paper presentation.
Homar, V.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S.. , "Visualización automática de variables meteorológicas". "I Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica", Almeria, Spain, 1998. Publication data: CD Proceedings. Sesion 10, 10, ISBN: 84-95172-10-0. Paper presentation.
Ramis, C.; Romero, V.; Homar, V.; Alonso, S.; Gayà, M.. , "Could upper tropospheric dry air intrusions favour environments for severe weather? Some observational evidences". "Escuela de verano Stratosphere-Troposphere Interchange Phenomena", Maó, Spain, 1998. Poster.
Homar, V.; Tudurí, E.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S.. , "Synoptic and mesoscale diagnosis of a hailstorm situation in eastern Spain". "XXIII General Assambly EGS. Annales Geophysicae. Special Issue", Niza, France, 1998. Publication data: V: 16, N: Supplement IV, pp: C1168. Paper presentation.
Clemente Ramis Noguera. , "Organizador". "«Troposhpere-Stratosphere interchange phenomena». International School of Meteorology at the Balearic Islands", Menorca, Spain, 1998. Not specified.