Holtslag, A.A.M; Beare, R. ; Cuxart, J. ; Svensson, G. , "Stable boundary layers and land surface climate: Results from the GEWEX amospheric boundary layer study (GABLS)". "European Meteorological Society", Utrecht, Netherlands, 2005. Publication data: http://www.cosis.net/members/meetings /sessions/accepted_contributions.php?p_id=158&s_id=2595. Paper presentation.
H. Ágústsson, J. Cuxart, T. Mira, H. Ólafsson:. , "Observations and simulations of katabatic flows during a heatwave in Iceland". "International Conference on Alpine Meteorology", Zadar, Croatia, 2005. Publication data: http://meteo.hr/ICAM2005/proceedings.html. Paper presentation.
H. Ágústsson, J. Cuxart, T. Mira, H. Ólafsson:. , "Observations and simulations of katabatic flows during a heatwave in Iceland", Wien, Austria, 2005. Publication data: EGU 2005. Poster.
J. Cuxart, M.A. Jiménez and A. Mira. , "Expérience avec Méso-NH à l'Université des Iles Baléares (LES et méso-échelle)". "Third Meso-NH user's meeting", Toulouse, France, 2005. Paper presentation.
J. Cuxart and M.A. Jiménez. , "Mixing processes in a nocturnal low-level jet". "5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society", Utrecht, Netherlands, 2005. Publication data: EMS05-A-00189. Paper presentation.
Sergio Alonso Oroza. . "II General Assembly EGU", Viena, Austria, 2005. Paper presentation.
Sergio Alonso Oroza. . "II General Assembly EGU", Creta, Greece, 2005. Paper presentation.
Romero, R., M. Soler, T. Serra, and J. Colomer. , "Turbidity variability in lake Banyoles (Girona, Spain): Relationship with anomalous rainfall and atmospheric synoptic flow pattern". "II General Assembly EGU (24-29 April)", Vienna, Austria, 2005. Paper presentation.
Amengual, A., Romero, R., Gómez, M., Martín, A., and Alosno, S.. , "A hydro-meteorological modeling study of a flash flood event over Catalonia, Spain". "II General Assembly European Geosciences Union (EGU)", Viena, Austria, 2005. Publication data: A hydro-meteorological modeling study of a flash flood event over Catalonia, Spain. J. Hydrometeorol., [submitted]. Paper presentation.
Fita, L., R. Romero, and C. Ramis. , "PV approach for the analysis of the 9-12th november 2001 western Mediterranean cyclone". "II General Assembly EGU (24-29 April)", Vienna, Austria, 2005. Poster.
Aronica, G., C. Corrao, A. Amengual, S. Alonso, and R. Romero. , "Water resources evaluation under climatic trend effects in Mediterranean catchments". "II General Assembly EGU (24-29 April)", Vienna, Austria, 2005. Poster.
Horvath, K., L. Fita, R. Romero, and B. Ivancan-Picek. , "The influence of orography during deep mediterranean cyclogenesis 11-15 november 2004". "The 28th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM) / The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP) (23-27 May)", Zadar, Croatia, 2005. Publication data: pp: 373-376. Paper presentation.
Oliver, P., S. Monserrat, E. Massutí, J. Moranta, J. L. López-Jurado, J. M. Hidalgo, B. Guijarro, M. Marcos, and R. Romero. , "Influencia de la estructura y dinámica oceanográfica sobre la dinámica poblacional de recursos demersales: Una hipótesis para la merluza en las Islas Baleares". "XXI Trobades Cintífiques de la Mediterrània, 'The Role of the Oceans in a Changing Climate' (26-29 September)", Maó, Menorca, Spain, 2005. Paper presentation.
Horvath K., Fita L., Romero R., Ivancan-Picek B., Stiperski I.. , "Sensitivity of the November 2004 Mediterranean cyclone and induced Bura flow in Adriatic Sea to macroscale dynamical factors". "7th EGU Plinius Conference", Rethymnon, Greece, 2005. Paper presentation.
Fita, L., R. Romero, and C. Ramis. , "Intercomparison of intense cyclogenesis events over the Mediterranean basin based on baroclinic, diabatic and topographical influences". "Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms VII, European Geosciences Union (5-7 October).", Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, 2005. Poster.
Homar V., A. Jansà, J. Campins, C. Ramis. , "Numerical sensitivities of Mediterranean severe weather". "7th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms", Rethymnon, Creta, Greece, 2005. Paper presentation.
Homar, V.; Ramis, C. i Jansà, A.. , "Climatology of sensitivities of severe weather over the Mediterranean. First results". "Assembly of the European Geophysical Union", Viena, Austria, 2005. Poster.
Homar, V.; D. J. Stensrud. , "Results of a test ensemble of human perturbed simulations for severe weather forecasting". "2nd SRNWP Workshop on Short Range Ensemble Prediction System.", Bologna, Italy, 2005. Publication data: Abstract. Poster.
Amengual A, R. Romero, M. Gómez, A. Martín and S. Alonso. , "A hydrometeorological study of a flash-flood event over Catalonia, Spain". "European Geociencies Union (EGU): General Assembly, 2005", Wien, Austria, 2005. Publication data: Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU05-A-02380. Paper presentation.
Aronica G., C. Corrao C, A. Amengual, S. Alonso and R. Romero. , "Water resources evaluation under climatic trends effects in Mediterranean catchments". "European Geociencies Union (EGU): General Assembly, 2005", Wien, Austria, 2005. Publication data: Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU05-A-04091. Poster.
A. Amengual, R. Romero and S. Alonso. , "A preliminar hydro-meteorological study of the hazardours storm that affected the Balearic Islands on 10th-12th November, 2001". "Meeting of the Amphore project", Bologna, Italy, 2005. Paper presentation.
No Con Name. , "Congrés de seguretat informàtica organitzat per l'associació sense ànim de lucre No Con Name (www.noconname.org)". "Ncn", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2005. Secretary of organising committee.
Fita, L.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.. , "Intercomparison of intense cyclogenesis events over the Mediterranean basin based on baroclinic, diabatic and topographis influences". "VII Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms", Chipre, Cyprus, 2005. Paper presentation.
Tuduri, E.; Martorell, M.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S.; Sánchez, J. L.. , "Diagnosis of a severe hail event over northeastern Spain on 12 july 2002". "VII Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms", Ajaccio, Cyprus, 2005. Paper presentation.
Fita, L.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.. , "PV approach for the analysis of the 9-12 th november 2001 western Mediterranean cyclone". "II General Assembly EGU", Viena, Austria, 2005. Paper presentation.
Romero, R.; Martín, A.; Homar, V.; Alonso, S.; Ramis, C.. , "Predictability of prototype flash flood events in the Western Mediterranean under uncertainties of the precursor upper-level disturbance: The HYDROPTIMET case studies". "7th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, European Geosciences Union (EGU)", Rethymnon, Creta, Greece, 2005. Publication data: Predictability of prototype flash flood events in the Western Mediterranean under uncertainties of the precursor upper-level disturbance: The HYDROPTIMET case studies. Paper presentation.