M.A. Jiménez and J. Cuxart. , "Large-Eddy Simulations of the Stably Stratified Boundary Layer: Checking against observations". "Second Meso-NH user's meeting", Toulouse, France, 2003. Paper presentation.
Conangla, L.; Cuxart, J.. , "Intermittency in the stably stratified boundary layer: a one-dimensional study using SABLES 98 data.". "EGU 2003", Niça, France, 2003. Poster.
M.A. Jiménez and J. Cuxart. , "Large-eddy simulations of the stably stratified boundary layer: checking against observations". "EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly", Nice, France, 2003. Publication data: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 5, 11440. Poster.
Soler, M.R.; Ferreres, E.; Terradellas, E.; Cuxart, J.; Bravo, M.. , "Stable boundary layer intermittent turbulence in Cases99". "EGU 2003", Niça, France, 2003. Paper presentation.
Yagüe, C.; Morales, G.; Terradellas, E.; Cuxart, J.. , "Turbulence and mixing in the stable atmospheric boundary layer (solicited)". "EGU 2003", Niça, France, 2003. Paper presentation.
M.A. Jiménez and J. Cuxart. , "A mixing event and study of sensitivities for the GABLS case using UIB-LES". "3rd GABLS meeting", Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain, 2003. Paper presentation.
Sergio Alonso Oroza. . "2nd Congreso Cubano de Meteorologia", La Habana, Cuba, 2003. Poster.
Sergio Alonso Oroza. , "2 comunicaciones orales". "3rd Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG/4th Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia", Aveiro, Portugal, 2003. Paper presentation.
Sergio Alonso Oroza. , "2 comunicaciones orales". "Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms V", Ajaccio (Corcega), France, 2003. Paper presentation.
Ramis, C.; V. Homar, R. Romero, S. Alonso. , "Tendencias climáticas de precipitación y temperatura en las Islas Baleares en la segunda mitad del siglo XX". "II Congreso Cubano de Meteorologia", La Habana, Cuba, 2003. Publication data: Abstract. Poster.
Homar, V.; D. J. Stensrud. , "Sensitivities of an intense cyclone over the western Mediterranean". "10th Conference on Mesoscale Processes", Portland, Oregon, United States, 2003. Publication data: CD proceedings. Paper presentation.
Amengual A., Romero R., Homar V., Ramis C., Alonso S.. , "Heavy rainfall forecasts in Mediterranean Spain: Sensitivity to model input data resolution (available at: http://www.uib.es/depart/dfs/meteorologia/METEOROLOGIA/ROMU/ in informal publications, num. 45)". "IV Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, sec. 1, num. 13", Alcudia, Spain, 2003. Poster.
No Con Name. , "Congrés de seguretat informàtica organitzat per l'associació sense ànim de lucre No Con Name (www.noconname.org)". "Ncn", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2003. Secretary of organising committee.
Tudurí, E., M. Martorell, R. Romero, C. Ramis, S. Alonso, and J. L. Sánchez. , "Diagnosis of a severe hail event over northeastern Spain on 12 July 2002". "EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms V (1-3 Octubre)", Ajaccio, France, 2003. Publication data: pp: 493-498. Poster.
Cuxart, J.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S.; Romero, R.; Homar, V.. , "Evaluación de los nuevos escenarios IPCC-SRES sobre el Mediterráneo occidental". "3r Simposio de Meteorologia e Geofisica da APMG", Aveiro, Portugal, 2003. Publication data: Pub. 293-296, ISBN: 97299276-0-X. Paper presentation.
Romero, R., C. Ramis, and S. Alonso. , "Impacts and interactions of dry and moist potential-vorticity anomalies during the life cycle of an intense mediterranean cyclone". "EGS Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms V (1-3 Octubre)", Ajaccio, France, 2003. Publication data: pp: 29-34. Paper presentation.
Arreola, J. L.; Homar, V.; Romero, R.; Ramis, C.; Alonso, S.. , "Un caso de estudio de un evento de ciclogénesis intensa en el Mediterráneo occidental". "3º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG / 4º Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia (10-13 Febrero)", Aveiro, Portugal, 2003. Publication data: Pub. 197-201, ISBN: 972-99276-0-X. Paper presentation.
Ramis, C.; Homar, V.; Romero, R.; Alonso, S.. , "Tendencias climáticas de precipitación y temperatura en las Islas Baleares en la segunda mitad del siglo XX". "2on Congreso Cubano de Meteorología", La Habana, Cuba, 2003. Paper presentation.