Capa límit atmosfèrica

1. Nocturnal Meso-Beta Basin and Katabatic Flows in the Island of Mallorca

Jiménez, Mira, Cuxart, Luque, Alonso and Guijarro, 2008: Verification of a Clear-Sky Mesoscale Simulation Using Satellite-Derived Surface Temperatures, Mon. Wea. Rev, 136, 5148-5161

Cuxart, Jiménez and Martínez, 2007: Nocturnal Meso-Beta Basin and Katabatic Flows on a Midlatitude Island, Mon. Wea. Rev, 135, 918-932

Jiménez, Cuxart and Mira, 2006: Local nocturnal circulations in the island of Mallorca: mesoscale modelling and verification, Tethys, 3, 71-77.


2. Organization of the flow under strongly stratified conditions in the Duero river basin

Martínez, Jiménez, Cuxart and Mahrt, 2010: Heterogeneous nocturnal cooling in a large basin under very stable conditions, Bound.-Layer Meteor., 137, 97-113

Martínez and Cuxart, 2009: Assessment of the hydraulic slope flow approach using a mesoscale model. Acta Geophysica 57, 882-903

Vich, Jiménez annd Cuxart, 2008: Estudi de tres períodes temporals ben diferenciats en una nit estable, Tethys, 4, 37-47.

Bravo, Mira, Soler, Cuxart, 2008: Intercomparison of evaluation of MM5 and Meso-NH mesoscale models in the stable boundary layer, Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 128, 77-101


3. Locally induced flows and fog formation in the Ebro river valley

Cuxart and Jiménez 2012: Deep radiation fog in a closed valley: study by numerical modeling and remote sensing, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169, 911-926

Cuxart, Jiménez Martínez, Molinos, Cunillera and Palau 2012: Study of mesobeta basin flow by remote sensing, Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 143, 143-158


4. Basic studies of ideal cases (Large-Eddy Simulations and 1D modelling)

Svensson, Holtslag, Kumar, Mauritsen, Steeneveld, Angevine, Bazile, Beljaars, Bruijin, Cheng, Conangla, Cuxart, Ek, Falk, Freedman, Kitigawa, Larson, Lock, Mailhot, Masson, Park, Pleim, Soderberg, Weng and Zampieri, 2011: Evaluation of the diurnal cycle in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over land as represented by a variety of single-column models: the second GABLS experiment, Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 140, 177-206

Conangla, Cuxart, Soler, 2008: Characterisation of the nocturnal boundary layer at a site in the northern Spain, Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 128, 255-276

Cuxart and Jiménez, 2007: Mixing processes in a nocturnal Low-Level Jet: an LES study, J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 1666-1679.

Beare, Macvean, Holtslag, Cuxart, Esau, Golaz, Jiménez, Khairoutdinov, Kosovic, Lewellen, Lund, Lundquist, McCabe; Moene, Noh, Raasch, and Sullivan, 2006: An intercomparison of Large-Eddy simulations of the stable boundary layer, Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 118, 247-272

Cuxart, Holtslag, Beare, Bazile, Beljaars, Cheng, Conangla, Ek, Freedman, Hamdi, Kerstein, Kitagawa, Lenderink, Lewellen, Mailhot, Mauritsen, Perov, Schayes, Steeneveld, Svensson, Taylor, Weng, Wunsch, Xu, 2006: Single-Column model intercomparison for stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer, Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 118, 273-303

Jiménez and Cuxart, 2006: Study of the Probability Density Functions from a Large-eddy simulation for a stably stratified boundary layer, Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 118, 401-420

Jiménez and Cuxart., 2005: Large-Eddy Simulations of the Stable Boundary Layer Using the Standard Kolmogorov Theory: Range of Applicability, Bound.-Layer Meteorol., 115, 241-261

Cuxart, 2003: GABLS - 1D Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer Intercomparison