Publications in journals

  • Ramis, C.; Llasat, M. C.; Genovés, A.; Jansà, A., "The October-87 Floods in Catalonia. Synoptic and Mesoscale Mechanisms", "Meteorological Applications", Issue 1, Pages 337-350, 1994. Paper.
  • Alonso, S.; Potela, A.; Ramis, C., "First Considerations on the Structure an Development of the Iberian ThermalLow", "Annales de Geophysique", Volume 12, Pages 457-468, 1994. Paper.
  • J. Cuxart, P, Bougeault, P. Lacarrère, J. Noilhan & M.R.Soler., "A comparison between Transilient Turbulence Theory and the exchange coefficient model approaches.", "Boundary-Layer Meteorology", Volume 67, Pages 251-276, 1994. Paper.